
In this post, we will explore the exciting area of integrating OpenAI’s powerful language into your Laravel-based web applications. Laravel, a popular PHP framework renowned for its elegance and flexibility, serves as the foundation for creating feature-rich web experiences. By combining Laravel’s capabilities with OpenAI’s advanced language processing prowess, we unlock the potential to provide web applications with unparalleled natural language processing abilities.

Step 1: Create New Project

Let’s kick off our journey by establishing a new Laravel project using Composer or using an existing Laravel project.

Screenshot: Creating a New Laravel Project with Composer or Using an Existing Project

Step 2: Install the OpenAI PHP Package

To seamlessly integrate OpenAI’s capabilities, we turn to the openai-php/client package. This package facilitates interaction with the API endpoint, enabling us to harness the potential of OpenAI. It’s important to note that this package requires PHP 8.1+. The package’s source code can be explored further on its GitHub repository: openai-php/client.

Screenshot: Installing the OpenAI PHP Package for Seamless Integration

Step 3: Register to OpenAI

Before starting the integration process, we need to secure access to the OpenAI API. You need to sign up on the OpenAI website and generate API keys for authentication. 

Once signed up, go to and click the button.

Screenshot of openai window.

These keys grant us the privilege of accessing OpenAI’s capabilities. The generated secret keys need to be copied, and put in our .env file inside our Laravel project.

Screenshot of API key

Step 4: Create Routes

With the work done, it’s time to create routes within our application. Create a route in a web.php file.

Screenshot: Creating Routes in Laravel's web.php File

Step 5: Create Blade File

Our next step involves crafting a dedicated blade file, openai.blade.php, to display the magic of OpenAI in action. We will create a resources/view/openai.blade.php blade file for the view.

Screenshot: Creating the openai.blade.php Blade File for OpenAI Integration

Step 6: Create Controller

In this step, we embark on the creation of the ArticleGeneratorController.php file using the following command.

Screenshot: Creating ArticleGeneratorController.php

After making the controller do logic as below for interaction and search of the content.

Screenshot: Implementing Controller Logic for Content Interaction

Step 7: Run Laravel Application

With the pieces falling into place, it’s time to set our creation into motion. By using the following command, the application allows us to witness the integration’s outcome.

Screenshot: Running the Laravel Project to Launch the Integrated Application
Screenshot: Displaying the Output of the Integration Process


In wrapping up this tutorial, we reflect on the journey we undertook to fuse OpenAI’s prowess with Laravel’s robustness. The tutorial guided us through the creation of a Laravel project, installation of the OpenAI PHP package, API key registration, route and blade file creation, controller implementation, and finally, the exhilarating moment of running the application. The integration of OpenAI opens a realm of possibilities for crafting intelligent and sophisticated web applications. As you venture forward, experiment with the OpenAI API, tap into its capabilities, and elevate your Laravel applications to new echelons of intelligence and functionality.