• Design thinking
  • Product Roadmap


  • User Experience
  • User Interface
  • Illustrations & Icons


  • HTML
  • CSS
  • Posene


Growth Mindset Institute (GMI) sought a software solution to revolutionize their employee assessment process. They needed a dynamic survey creation and report generation system that could provide valuable insights and recommendations for individual and corporate clients. The system had to support various response types, generate customized reports, process secure payments, and cater to a diverse user base in multiple languages.

The new software solution streamlined client management, increased GMI’s earnings by 50%, and enhanced their employee assessment process. The integration of secure payment gateways and multi-language support expanded their market presence, fostering growth mindsets and remarkable success.

PHP, Laravel, API (Passport), Livewire, Alpine JS, Tailwind CSS

Client's Requirement

Growth Mindset Institute (GMI) sought a software solution to revolutionize their employee assessment process. They needed a dynamic survey creation and report generation system that could provide valuable insights and recommendations for individual and corporate clients. The system had to support various response types, generate customized reports, process secure payments, and cater to a diverse user base in multiple languages.


We developed a comprehensive software solution for GMI to address their business requirements. The system was built using PHP and Laravel, with additional technologies including API (Passport) for secure authentication, Livewire for dynamic user interfaces, and Alpine JS and Tailwind CSS for enhanced front-end functionalities.


The implementation of our software solution resulted in significant improvements for GMI. Client management was streamlined, and their earnings increased by 50%. The dynamic survey creation and report generation capabilities enhanced the employee assessment process, providing valuable insights and recommendations for individual and corporate clients. The integration of secure payment gateways ensured seamless transactions, while the multi-language support expanded GMI’s reach and market presence.

With our tailored software solution, GMI has transformed their employee assessment process, fostered growth mindsets, and achieved remarkable success. Contact us today to see how we can help your organization thrive.



  • Design thinking
  • Product Roadmap


  • User Experience
  • User Interface
  • Illustrations & Icons


  • HTML
  • CSS
  • Posene


COTIQU Pty Ltd, a service industry leader, sought an innovative solution to streamline their requirement gathering process and connect clients with vendors seamlessly. The dynamic ORB (Online Requirement Building) application system, built with cutting-edge technologies, transformed the process. SuperAdmin now effortlessly manages dynamic requirement documents, while automated vendor matching ensures efficient connections. Secure payment integration through PayPal simplifies transactions, enhancing user satisfaction. With an intuitive user interface, clients experience a seamless journey from registration to communication. The ORB system brought remarkable improvements, automating manual processes, optimizing efficiency, and revolutionizing COTIQU’s operations.

Laravel, VueJS, MySql, LiveWire

Client's Requirement

COTIQU Pty Ltd, a leader in the service industry, recognized the need for an innovative solution to streamline their requirement gathering process and facilitate seamless vendor-client connections. They aimed to automate manual processes, improve efficiency, and enhance the user experience.


To meet these requirements, the ORB (Online Requirement Building) application system was developed. Built using cutting-edge technologies such as Laravel, VueJS, MySql, and LiveWire, this dynamic platform revolutionized the way COTIQU collected requirements and connected clients with vendors.


The implementation of the ORB application system brought remarkable improvements to COTIQU’s operations. The automated requirement gathering process, dynamic document creation, and efficient vendor-client connections resulted in enhanced efficiency and customer satisfaction. Clients experienced a seamless journey, while vendors benefited from streamlined connections and improved communication.


Contact us today to discuss how the ORB application system can benefit your business and take it to new heights.


  • Design thinking
  • Product Roadmap


  • User Experience
  • User Interface
  • Illustrations & Icons


  • HTML
  • CSS
  • Posene


Latitude Property, had the objective of creating an impressive real estate marketing website that would effectively showcase properties and generate leads. They sought to provide potential buyers and tenants with a user-friendly platform for browsing properties and access comprehensive property detail pages. The client aimed to capture leads through the website and required advanced search functionality to help users find properties that matched their preferences. Additionally, they wanted to integrate a map feature to offer a visual representation of property locations and enhance the overall user experience. The ultimate goal was to build a powerful marketing tool to drive success in the real estate industry.


Client's Requirement

The goal of Latitude Property was to create a highly effective real estate marketing website that showcases properties and generates leads. The website needed to provide a user-friendly platform for property browsing, offer comprehensive property detail pages, facilitate lead generation, and include advanced search functionality.


To meet the business requirement, we developed a WordPress website using the powerful combination of the Houzez theme and Elementor page builder. Our solution provided the following key features:

  • Property Listings: The website included a dedicated section for property listings, allowing users to browse through a wide range of properties available for sale or rent.
  • Property Detail Pages: Each property listed on the website had its own dedicated detail page, providing comprehensive information about the property, including features, specifications, high-quality images, and contact details.
  • Lead Generation for Properties: To capture potential buyers or tenants, we incorporated lead generation forms throughout the website. This enabled interested users to express their interest in a specific property, allowing real estate agents or property owners to follow up and nurture leads effectively.
  • Advanced Property Searching: Our intuitive search functionality allowed users to filter properties based on specific criteria such as location, price range, property type, and more. This ensured that users could easily find properties that matched their preferences and requirements.
  • Property Location on Map: To provide a visual representation of property locations, we integrated a map feature into the website. This allowed users to view properties on a map, understand their geographical context, and make more informed decisions.


The Latitude Property real estate marketing website stands as a testament to the successful synergy of business goals and technological innovation within the real estate industry. By offering an intuitive property browsing platform, comprehensive property detail pages, lead generation mechanisms, advanced search capabilities, and a visual map representation, we ensured that every facet of user engagement was optimized. 

This innovative solution not only effectively showcased properties and their unique attributes but also streamlined lead generation, fostering efficient follow-up and conversion. The website’s user-friendly interface and robust functionalities underscored its role as a potent marketing tool, providing potential buyers and tenants with comprehensive information, visual context, and seamless search experiences.

In collaboration with Latitude Property, we have fortified their position in the real estate landscape by creating a digital cornerstone that bridges aspiration and acquisition.


  • Design thinking
  • Product Roadmap


  • User Experience
  • User Interface
  • Illustrations & Icons


  • HTML
  • CSS
  • Posene


In the world of online gaming, players demand an authentic and captivating board game experience. “Brandi Dog” fulfils these requirements, offering seamless integration, scalability, and performance. Developed with a powerful tech stack, including Vercel, Laravel Vapor, MongoDB, and Next JS, the game ensures optimal performance and a smooth user interface. With authentic gameplay, players immerse themselves in the beloved Swiss board game. The server-less architecture allows for scalability and lag-free gaming, even with high user volumes. The multiplayer feature enables players to challenge friends and connect with others worldwide, fostering a sense of community. The user-friendly interface guarantees an enjoyable and engaging gaming experience for all.


Client's Requirement

  • Background:

    • Evolving landscape of online gaming.
    • Growing demand for captivating and authentic online board game experiences.
  • Player Expectations:

    • Players seek an immersive and genuine online board game encounter.
    • Desire for seamless integration of cutting-edge technologies.
    • Emphasis on scalability and high-performance gameplay.
    • User-friendly interface as a pivotal factor.
  • Multiplayer Engagement:

    • Preference for multiplayer environment among players.
    • Desire to challenge friends and interact with a global player community.
  • Opportunity Identification:

    • Introduction of “Brandi Dog” as the ultimate online board game solution.
    • Alignment of “Brandi Dog” with business requirements and player preferences.


  •  To deliver an unparalleled gaming experience, “Brandi Dog” has been meticulously developed using a powerful combination of cutting-edge technologies. Our tech stack, including:

    • Hosting Platform: Vercel
    • Backend Framework: Laravel Vapor
    • Database Management: MongoDB
    • Frontend Framework: Next JS
    • ensures optimal performance, scalability, and seamless integration.


The “Brandi Dog” case study is a reflection of ScalyBee Services’ unwavering commitment to shaping unforgettable gaming experiences. With each milestone reached, we reaffirm our dedication to pioneering innovation, setting benchmarks, and leading the way in transforming the gaming landscape for players worldwide.


  • Design thinking
  • Product Roadmap


  • User Experience
  • User Interface
  • Illustrations & Icons


  • HTML
  • CSS
  • Posene


In 2022, scalybee was approached to develop a business communication app. The app was expected to facilitate interaction between group members, keep track of business transactions, and organize meetings and events. The client required a scalable and user-friendly solution that would cater to the unique requirements of their members.
In late 2022, scalybee successfully developed and launched the business communication app for Business Buddies in India. The app exceeded the client’s expectations and provided them with the tools they needed to streamline their business operations.

Laravel, React native

Client's Requirement

  • The client wanted a scalable, user-friendly solution that would cater to the unique requirements of their members.
  • The app needed to be accessible across multiple devices and provide a seamless experience.
  • The client required a solution that would help them streamline their business operations and enhance their efficiency.
  • The app needed to be reliable, secure, and efficient, with the ability to handle a large volume of transactions.
  • The client required ongoing support and maintenance for the app to ensure that it remained up-to-date and met their evolving needs.


  • Front-end development for the mobile app was done using the Reactnative framework, a popular framework for mobile app development.
  • Reactnative was chosen for its ability to provide a seamless user experience across multiple devices and its scalability.
  • Back-end development involved the development of Laravel APIs, which were used to handle the server-side functionalities of the app.
  • The use of Laravel APIs ensured that the app was reliable, secure, and efficient, with the ability to handle a large volume of transactions.


  • Design thinking
  • Product Roadmap


  • User Experience
  • User Interface
  • Illustrations & Icons


  • HTML
  • CSS
  • Posene


In 2020, Scalybee undertook a project for a client in the Real Estate Industry, which involved upgrading their existing real estate portal. The requirements included revamping the portal, adding new features, and converting it from cold fusion to Laravel.
Scalybee utilized Laravel for the Front-End development, managing the APIs, and MySQL for the Back End development, managing the data. Additionally, Scalybee provided an automatic creation of a WordPress website, enhancing user experience and convenience.

The project was successfully completed in 2021, delivering a state-of-the-art real estate portal that exceeded the client’s expectations. The upgraded portal is currently operational in Australia and has received positive feedback from users, who appreciate its intuitive design, exceptional functionality, and seamless performance.

The successful completion of the project stands as a testament to Scalybee’s deep expertise in web development, meticulous attention to detail, and unwavering commitment to delivering exceptional results.

Laravel, MySQL

Client's Requirement

  • The client required an upgrade to their existing Real Estate Portal that would enhance the portal’s functionality and user experience.
  • The portal required revamping, adding new features, and converting it from cold fusion to Laravel.


  • Revamped the old Real Estate Portal, enhancing its functionality and user experience.
  • Added new features to the portal, meeting the latest industry standards and user expectations.
  • Converted the portal from ColdFusion to the more efficient and updated Laravel framework, ensuring seamless performance and reliability.
  • Developed a Laravel web application, providing a user-friendly and engaging platform for users to access Real Estate features and services.
  • Implemented automatic creation of a WordPress website, enhancing user experience and convenience.
  • Used Laravel to handle APIs with the backend, ensuring seamless integration and efficient data management.


Scalybee successfully upgraded the client’s web portal, converting it from ColdFusion to Laravel, and adding new features, including an automatic creation of WordPress websites. The project was completed in 2021 and is currently operational in Australia.
Through meticulous attention to detail, rigorous testing, and seamless development, Scalybee ensured that the upgraded portal exceeded the client’s expectations, delivering a user-friendly, secure, and reliable platform that provides an exceptional Real Estate experience.
The successful web development, their innovative approach to problem-solving, and their commitment to delivering exceptional results. Scalybee established a long-lasting partnership with the client in the Real Estate Industry, and the upgraded portal has received positive feedback from users, who appreciate its intuitive design, exceptional functionality, and seamless performance.


  • Design thinking
  • Product Roadmap


  • User Experience
  • User Interface
  • Illustrations & Icons


  • HTML
  • CSS
  • Posene


Scalybee was entrusted with developing a web app, SolBuild, for in-store purchase of Telstra mobile plans and devices for a client in the Ecommerce industry. The app was designed to be used across Telstra stores in Australia, with a specific set of requirements to be met.
The Scalybee team utilized Vue.JS for Laravel for the backend, with MySQL being used for backend development.
The SolBuild project has been a resounding success, with the app currently operational in Australia. Scalybee’s attention to detail and seamless development process ensured that the app met the client’s specifications while providing an intuitive and user-friendly experience for users. The project stands as a testament to Scalybee’s unwavering commitment to delivering exceptional results and maintaining long-term partnerships with clients.

VUE, Laravel, MySQL

Client's Requirement

  • Develop a web app for in-store purchases of Telstra mobile plans and devices.
  • Ensure seamless integration with existing Telstra systems and databases.
  • Create a user-friendly interface for effortless navigation and purchase completion.
  • Incorporate secure payment processing and user authentication for data protection.
  • Optimize the app for top-notch performance and speed to provide a seamless shopping experience.
  • Ensure compliance with accessibility standards for all users, including those with disabilities.
  • Conduct comprehensive testing to ensure stability, compatibility, and usability on various devices and browsers.


  • Developed Android and iOS apps using the Flutter framework for a seamless and consistent user experience across both platforms.
  • Designed and implemented a user-friendly interface for easy navigation and engagement with app features.
  • Created an admin panel for efficient management of app content and users.
  • Developed APIs for mobile app integration with the backend, ensuring reliable data processing and management.
  • Integrated secure authentication and payment processing for user convenience.
  • Conducted thorough testing to ensure app stability and compatibility on various devices and platforms.


The Scalybee team conducted rigorous testing to ensure app stability, compatibility, and performance across various devices and browsers, providing users with a top-notch shopping experience. The project was completed in 2020 and is currently operational in Australia.


  • Design thinking
  • Product Roadmap


  • User Experience
  • User Interface
  • Illustrations & Icons


  • HTML
  • CSS
  • Posene

About the Project

Towntips stands out as one of Scalybee’s most notable projects of 2022, highlighting the company’s prowess in the Ecommerce and Social industry. The objective was to develop a hybrid app for both IOS and Android platforms, and the Scalybee team successfully created the application for both platforms. However, due to a client’s revised specifications, the team chose to publish only the Android version.
Alongside the app development, Scalybee also designed an intuitive admin panel for the client’s use. The front-end development employed Flutter, ensuring a seamless user interface.The team also created APIs for the mobile app’s back-end, further enhancing its functionality. The project was initiated in 2021 and completed within a year, reflecting Scalybee’s proficiency and commitment to delivering quality results within stipulated timelines.


Client's Requirement

  • Develop a hybrid app for iOS and Android platforms.
  • Use a unified codebase to streamline development.
  • Utilize reliable and robust frameworks to ensure efficient development and maintenance.
  • Incorporate native features of each platform for enhanced functionality.
  • Conduct thorough testing on various devices and operating systems to ensure top quality.
  • Optimize the app’s performance and speed for a seamless user experience.


  • Developed Android and iOS apps using Flutter for optimal performance and seamless user experience.
  • Created a user-friendly admin panel for efficient management of app content and users.
  • Developed APIs to facilitate mobile app functionality and integration with other systems.
  • Conducted comprehensive testing to ensure app stability and compatibility on various devices.
  • Optimized the app for top-notch performance and speed on both platforms.
  • Provided the client with full access to the admin panel for easy management.
  • Maintained regular communication with the client to ensure their satisfaction and address any concerns promptly.


Scalybee successfully developed a hybrid app for both iOS and Android platforms that was optimized for top-notch performance and speed. The app was published on the Google Play Store and included an intuitive admin panel to enable efficient management of app content and users.
The Scalybee team conducted thorough testing to ensure app stability and compatibility on various devices and maintained regular communication with the client to ensure their satisfaction. The project was completed in 2021 and is currently operational in India.
Client feedback has been overwhelmingly positive, with users commenting on the app’s intuitive design, smooth performance, and exceptional functionality. The Scalybee team’s dedication to delivering quality results within stipulated timelines was highly appreciated, and the company looks forward to continued collaboration with the client in the future.


  • Design thinking
  • Product Roadmap


  • User Experience
  • User Interface
  • Illustrations & Icons


  • HTML
  • CSS
  • Posene


Scalybee was entrusted with the development of an IOS and Android app for Kiana Fashion, a client in the E-commerce industry. The project entailed providing the client with both the apps and APIs.
To accomplish this, Scalybee utilized the React Native framework to develop an Android and IOS app for the Front End, while providing support of APIs in WordPress for the Back End. The project commenced in 2021 and was completed in 2022, reflecting Scalybee’s proficiency and commitment to delivering quality results within stipulated timelines.
The Kiana Fashion project is currently operational in India and has been well-received by users, who appreciate the app’s intuitive design and exceptional functionality. Scalybee’s unwavering attention to detail, seamless development process, and regular communication with the client ensured that the project was a resounding success, exceeding the client’s expectations.

React native, WordPress

Client's Requirement

  • Develop IOS and Android apps that provide an intuitive and engaging platform for users to access Kiana Fashion’s products, services, and features.
  • Ensure that the apps are user-friendly, secure, reliable, and compatible with various devices and operating systems.
  • Provide support for APIs to enhance user experience.
  • Conduct thorough testing to ensure app stability, compatibility, and performance across various devices and browsers.
  • Deliver the project on time, within the agreed-upon budget, and exceeding the client’s expectations.
  • Establish a long-lasting partnership with the client in the E-commerce industry.


  • Front End Development: Developed an Android and iOS app using the innovative React Native framework that delivers an intuitive and engaging platform for users to access Kiana Fashion’s products, services, and features.
  • Back End Development: Provided support of APIs in WordPress, enhancing the user experience, and ensuring seamless integration with the app’s front-end.
  • User-Friendly Interface: Designed a user-friendly interface that provides easy navigation and engagement with app features, ensuring an exceptional user experience.
  • Admin Panel Development: Developed an efficient admin panel for easy management of app content and users, ensuring streamlined operations and enhanced productivity.
  • Secure Authentication and Payment Processing: Integrated secure authentication and payment processing to ensure data protection and user convenience.
  • Rigorous Testing: Conducted thorough testing to ensure app stability, compatibility, and performance across various devices and platforms, providing users with a seamless and reliable app experience.
  • Timely Delivery: Delivered the project on time, within the agreed-upon budget, and exceeding the client’s expectations, establishing a long-lasting partnership with the client in the E-commerce industry.


Scalybee successfully delivered on the client’s requirements, developing both Android and IOS applications, and providing support of APIs to enhance user experience. The project was completed in 2022 and is currently operational in India.
Through meticulous attention to detail, rigorous testing, and seamless development, Scalybee ensured that the project surpassed the client’s expectations, delivering a user-friendly, secure, and reliable app that provides an exceptional platform for users to access Kiana Fashion’s products, services, and features.
The successful completion of the Kiana Fashion project stands as a testament to Scalybee’s unwavering commitment to delivering exceptional results and underscores the team’s expertise and innovative approach to app development.